Example Toasts

Widow's Toast


I would like to propose a toast to my deceased husband. It's difficult, of course, to toast the dead, but he is still with me every day: every time I see that hole in the roof he fixed, I think of every part of my life he covered, mended, and cared for while we were together.

Everyone here knows how hard he worked to keep our home in good order all by himself, but very few of you knew him as a handyman of hearts. You all saw him working out in the hot sun on the siding, but you may never have seen him bend down to put a bandage on Junior's knee. You all saw him working to fix the window Junior broke, but you may never have seen him sponsor his brother in his support group. And though I'm sure you saw us both out in the garden trying to help me make something (anything!) grow, you may never have seen him helping me to find religion and some sense of worth in this world.

I know that nothing will ever fix the hole he left behind in my life, but handyman that he was, I believe my husband has given me the tools to patch it up and keep on going.

So, a toast to him, and all secret carpenters of his ilk. Let us hope that he is drinking his beer with his Lord today. Cheers!

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